Fit Health Care Telehealth Instructions


In order to comply with Governor Ducey’s Executive Orders pertaining to social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Fit Health Care has decided to move forward with providing Telehealth appointments. We want to ensure you that you will continue to experience the same exceptional care that you would with an in-office appointment.

On the day of your appointment 15 minutes prior to your appointment time, please call the office at (602-279-5049) to ensure that we have current contact information and pharmacy information.

If you have a copay or visit charge it will be collected during the call. If there are attachments to this email please complete forms and return them to the office prior to your appointment.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your Telehealth appointment, please call the office and give as much notice as possible. As with all appointments , you will be charged a $25 missed appointment fee if you do not cancel your appointment AT LEAST 24 hours’ notice.

After your copay is made, you will be able to log into your Telehealth appointment. You may use the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. In addition, most smart phone bowsers may be compatible. If you are using your smartphone for the session, PLEASE turn off and restart it before session. Double check your device and ensure that your browsers are running with the latest versions. Please do not use Internet Explorer or other Microsoft browsers, as they are not compatible with technology.

When you are ready for your appointment, simply click on the link below or copy and paste to your browser if it doesn’t automatically redirect you


After you’re clicked on the link, enter your name. You will then be moved into a virtual waiting room and Kandi will meet you there to begin your appointment.

On behalf of all of us at Fit Health Care, we hope you and your loved ones will stay safe and well! Remember to continue social distancing, avoid gatherings in groups of 5 or more, wash your hands frequently, and stay home if you are ill. As always, we are here to help with all your healthcare needs! Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.